Three simple steps to get great actionable stocks, options, and economic, data delivered instantly to your phone — for free! Courtesy of the open source community.
Getting options data to your phone was never easy, until now. The open source community has been working hard to build a better stock bot. We were not happy with the available iterations, so we built our own. Now anyone can leverage the technology through the MIT Open Source License.
The main repo ( consists of a standalone terminal, a Discord Bot, and independent dashboards that run through Jupyter Labs via Voila.
The terminal is jam-packed with all kinds of features like Portfolio Optimization, Machine Learning, Quantitative and Predictive Analysis. There is even a way to import your own CSV data files to run through TensorFlow. It might be the lowest friction point of entry into any prediction engine software; certainly the most affordable, always FOSS (Free Open Source Software).
I’m not here to talk about any of that because, as the title implies, we have developed a way for any individual to receive stocks, options, and economic, data directly to their phone for free and without the need to sign up for anything other than Discord. No limits, no sign-ups, no email lists; simply DM the Gamestonk Terminal Bot with a slash command. The auto-complete and clickable interactions make it immediately usable without a reference a list of commands or wasting time with typos or guessing. We’ve made it easy; so much that it will take less time to get actionable data than it will to read this article.
Step 1: Download Discord for your phone, register or login.
Step 2: Join this Discord Server by clicking on the invite link: (note: if this invite link is expired, find an active invite link on the GitHub page, or @gamestonkt on Twitter)
Step 3: Scroll down the user list in the #general room, and click on SlashTestBot#4609. Then send it a message: /cmds
All done! You will see a message in your direct messages with the commands and variables for each feature. To scroll through them, enter a “/” on the chat window and click the avatar on the left side.
If your message to the bot only displays your message, “/cmnds”, try it again now that the bot has slipped into your DMs, and you will see the slash command menu appear.
If you want to help support the open-source community at large, please join GitHub and give it a star! If you are having technical problems and require assistance, please post on the Discord channel and a community member will be happy to help you!
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If you are an admin for a Discord server and would like to invite the Gamestonk Terminal StonkBot to your channel, send us a DM anywhere and we’ll make it happen!